Our website is currently being updated. If you can't find what you need, please contact the school office for assistance.


Year 5 homework runs from every Friday and is to be returned by the following Friday. Children will have the option of having it printed out at school or to access it using this page. 
On a Monday, children are welcome to join the homework club in Year 5 classroom to complete their homework if they need help, reassurance or to access a resource like the internet. 
Mr Barnard and Mrs Pickford
Times Tables
Remember times tables are crucial to many areas of math. To know them off by heart helps make learning new concepts so much easier. Please try to work on these daily. 
Over the coming weeks, we will be completing lots of work related to our Year 5 and 6 spellings. Please familiarise yourself with these spellings. 
Reading is the key to learning! Please read for at least 20 minutes a day to an adult or to yourself. If you are stuck and need help choosing a book- see me! 
Remember if you don't love reading- you just haven't found the right book yet!