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About Kea School

A great place to learn and make friends

Kea offers a distinctive, broad and stimulating curriculum that provides pupils with knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to succeed in work and relationships.

Pupils attain well at core subjects of English and maths and develop key work skills such as presentation, persistence, problem-solving and team work. They are taught lessons in all the National Curriculum subjects and RE.

The children learn about the rich culture, history and landscape of our distinctive county. They take part in school visits to places of interest. They have the opportunity to work with a range of local artists, specialist teachers and sports coaches.

‘Teaching is good and teachers make sure that lessons are interesting and imaginatively cover the full range of subjects' – OFSTED Inspector.

In addition to the school curriculum we also run a wide range of clubs that most children attend. The school has a strong reputation for the creative arts and inter school sports.

Kea School is known for ambitious and original dance and musical productions some of which are staged in partnership with professional dancers, artists, actors, musicians and partner schools.  Many pupils take part in the Cornwall Music Festival.

Extra curricular clubs running at the school at different times of the year include football, netball, tag rugby,  cricket, rounders, outdoor and adventurous education, KS1 multi-sports, craft, KS2 choir, KS 1 singing, Y2 cooking, eco warriors and KS1 drama.  

Kea’s school teams compete well in in a broad range of local and regional sports tournaments. Many children take part in clubs and inter-schools competitions for cross country, netball, tag rugby, basket ball and football.

Our Year 4s, 5s and 6s take part in educational residential visits to BF Adventure, Penryn, Camp Kernow and London.   Activities include kayaking, climbing, abseiling, adventure quarry, archery, cooking,  (at outdoor centres), theatre workshops, tour and workshops at the Houses of Parliament, museum workshops and river tour in London. 

Testimonial: ‘I have really enjoyed my time at Kea. It has been a wonderful experience that I will never forget.’ – Year 6 Leaver

At Kea we pride ourselves on the quality of relationships between everyone in the school community. We are a welcoming school and children and parents make long-lasting friendships.

Kea School Friends (KSF) organises regular, enjoyable events for all the family.

Children learn and are expected to behave in a responsible manner, allowing others to work and play without interference.  They are expected to show politeness, consideration, courtesy and respect for others.

Pupils are taught about respect for diversity in local, national and global communities. They are given opportunities to learn about taking roles of responsibility including school councillors, playground buddies, first aiders and visitor ambassadors.

Each child is a member of one of our Houses (named after Cornish Castles): Restormel, Tintagel, Pendennis or St Mawes.  Children can earn house points for effort and achievement and a cup is awarded each half-term to the House awarded the most points. Certificates, medals and badges are given to individuals for earning house points.

‘Everyone looks after each other and children receive exactly the right kind of help’ - parent.

'Provision for pupils’ personal, social and communication development is excellent. Pupils leave the school as articulate, confident and mature young people well prepared for the next stage of their education' - Ofsted Inspector.