Welcome to Glover Class
(Year F)
Class Teachers:
Mrs Kim Lawrence (Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays)
Miss Ali Bevis (alternate Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday)
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Sarah Whitford, Miss Freya Roberts, Mrs Helen Trivett
Year F Timings
Spring Second Half Term
This half term our topic will be 'The Circle Of Life'. We will be learning about life cycles, including humans, frogs and chicks.
Every Thursday afternoon will be 'outdoor learning' the children will have the opportunity to explore our school grounds and take part in various outdoor learning activities.
Every Friday afternoon will be 'Challenge Time' which is when children are encouraged to have a go at a range of independent learning activities which all link to the weeks learning. They can collect lolly sticks for each challenge and these link to our behaviour chart. It is a great chance for us to see if there are gaps in learning which need to be revisited.
In Math's this term we will be working on the knowledge of numbers to 10, learning about the composition of numbers and identifying patterns in the number system. We will be developing our understanding of shape with a focus on 3D shapes and patterns.
As always we will be reading lots of high quality stories and using stories to inspire our learning in different ways.
Please see attached a copy of our Spring Second Term Overview for more details about the learning outcomes for this half term.
Spring First Half Term
This half term our topic will be exploring wild and wonderful weather! As we are in the thick of Winter we will be learning about ice and its features. We will explore the processes of melting and freezing. We will also be learning about climates in different countries and finding out about animals that live in the arctic and extremely cold temperatures.
Every Thursday afternoon will be 'outdoor learning' the children will have the opportunity to explore our school grounds and take part in various outdoor learning activities.
Every Friday afternoon will be 'Challenge Time' which is when children are encouraged to have a go at a range of independent learning activities which all link to the weeks learning. They can collect lolly sticks for each challenge and these link to our behaviour chart. It is a great chance for us to see if there are gaps in learning which need to be revisited.
In Math's this term we will be working on the knowledge of numbers to 10, learning about the composition of numbers and identifying patterns in the number system. We will also be exploring length, height and time.
We will be continuing with 'Drawing Club' a fun and exciting way to get children writing and using new vocabulary.
As always we will be reading lots of high quality stories and using stories to inspire our learning in different ways.
Please see attached a copy of our Spring Term Overview for more details about the learning outcomes for this half term.
Autumn Second Half Term
This half term our topic will be 'Winter Festivals'. We shall be exploring a variety of celebrations such as Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas through stories, creative activities, role play and class discussions.
This term we will also be learning about Remembrance Day and supporting Children in Need.
We shall be learning songs for our Nativity performance and retelling the story of Christmas. The children will enjoy lots of story times and we shall progress with our RWI scheme to support children's reading and writing skills. We are excited to begin Drawing Club, a fun story based writing club to engage children in mark making. Please see the link for more information on this.