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Class Information


Welcome to Parry Class

Year 6 


Class Teachers: Mrs Drzymala and Mrs Bray


Teaching assistants: Mrs Tamsin Morgan and Mrs Helen Chirieleison

Start time: 8:55 (doors open 8:45)

Finish time: 3:30





Spring 1
Good or Grimm? 
Tales from the Enchanted Wood
In Spring 1, we will be using the Neil Gaiman book 'Hansel & Gretel'  as our class novel and inspriration for writing alternative traditional tales. We will be designing, producing and performing a shadow puppet show based on these 'good or grimm' stories as part of our work on light in science and also designing traditional tale hand puppet shows which we will perform for our buddies. 
Autumn 2
Survival of the Fittest - Voyage of Discovery
We will be learning all about Charles Darwin and the events that led to his theory of evolution. Our geography learning will take us through rainforest biomes at The Eden Project discovering climate zones and vegetation belts. In PSHE we will link this all together and discuss ways to be responsible global citizens.

Previous topics:
Autumn 1
Why is London an important city? 
As part of our amazing trip to London, we will be looking at why London is such an important city and will compare it to others around the world. We will also look at how it became so important due to its proximity to the mighty Thames, its great diversity and multiculturalism and its unique landmarks which attract millions of tourists from around the world.