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Class information

Welcome to Jackson Class
Year 1
Miss Isobel Keat
Teaching Assistants:
 Ms Bunten & Mrs Brandreth
PE days are:
Monday and Tuesday
Spring 2 - Where do I live? 
This term we are looking further from our school grounds to our local area. This means we are looking at the maps of our surrounding area and discussing our links to home and communities. We are also focusing on animals around us - near by or far away -  and how to identify them! Also, in DT we are looking into our local produce and how to make an excellent nutritious smoothie with them! 
Click the overview below to find out what else we will be learning about!
Spring 1 - What makes our school grounds special? 
This term we will be looking at the wonderful environment of our school grounds. This includes the nature surrounding it such as the trees and plants (which we will be studying closely in art to capture) and also a bit of bird watching observations to complete our non-chronologic report. This may even include a drawing a map to help summarise all our wonderful findings! It's definitely a topic we will be out and about with!
Click the overview below to find out what else we will be learning about!
Autumn 2 -  What's in the toy box?
In this topic we are looking at 'What's in the toy box?'  We will learning about our own toys and what materials they are made from and how we play with them. Before, looking back into the past to ask many questions. How have toys changed? What materials were they made of before? Where can we find old toys?  A mixture of writing,  history, science and even creating our own toy car in DT ensures an action packed term! 
Click the overview below to find out what else we will be learning about!
Autumn 1 -  Marvellous Me!
In this topic we will celebrating how everyone is marvellous! We will be reading the Rainbow Fish, who discovered that he even though he was different he was very special! In art, we will be doing self-portraits and in history we will be learning about ourselves and our families! Click the overview below to find out what else we will be learning about!